The “Comitato dei Matematici Applicati in Toscana” (coMAT) has been founded on May 4, 2022. The main aim of coMAT is the organization of conferences and workshops in the fields of Mathematics Applied to Economics, Finance and Social Sciences. coMAT is a no-profit committee devoted to spread the knowledge and to promote research and cultural events, thus offering the opportunity to share the academic research knowledge to civil society and let the knowledge become instrumental for obtaining social, cultural and economic benefits.
The committee has a President, a Council and an Assembly. The Bylaws of the committee have been registered on May 6, 2022. The no-profit committee has no VAT but just a fiscal code (C.F. 93098270502). The registered office of the committee is room 205, second floor, of the Department of Economics and Management, University of Pisa, Via Cosimo Ridolfi 10, 56124 Pisa.
coMAT has been founded by:
- Carosi Laura (President)
- Cambini Riccardo (Councelor)
- Scotti Simone (Councelor)
- D’Inverno Giovanna (Member)
- Foschi Rachele (Member)
- Radi Davide (Member)
- Vannucci Emanuele (Member)

coMAT foundation – Pisa, may 4, 2022

coMAT event – Viareggio, may 7, 2024