coMAT is organizing the 14th International Symposium on Generalized Convexity and Monotonicity.
This is the official conference of the Working Group on Generalized Convexity (WGGC), founded in August 1994 during the 15th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming in Ann Arbor (Michigan, U.S.A.).
The previous Generalized Convexity Symposia have been in Vancouver (Canada, 1980), Canton (U.S.A., 1986), Pisa (Italy, 1988), Pécs (Hungary, 1992), Luminy-Marseille (France, 1996), Karlovassi-Samos (Greece, 1999), Hanoi (Vietnam, 2002), Varese (Italy, 2005), Kaohsiung (Taiwan, 2008), Cluj (Romania, 2011), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil, 2014), Hajdúszoboszló (Hungary, 2017), Arequipa (Peru, Online, 2022).
All infos are available at the conference website https://gcm14.ec.unipi.it/